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Friday, May 15, 2009

Another day in Paradise.

The last few days have been hectic here. I have had to make some trips to the doc. For about a month my leg has been hurting. I thought I pulled my muscle. But the last few days my knee has been hurting so bad I cannot stand it. It tries to buckle on me too. Turns out my knee is not stable for some reason and he wants me to see a sugeon to see if it is the knee joint that is getting ready to collapse. All I know is that it is very painful.

With all the stress that is going on in my life, the sugar has been going very high for me. He has also decided to run tests to see if I have primary alopecia or hormonal problems and that might be why I am losing my hair so badly. I have to see an allergist too. I will just put it all in God's hands I guess. I still think life is grand for me.

I thank God for every day that I have.


  1. WOW you sure have had a rough time lately and I'm sorry to hear that. I will pray that your health improves and the doctors will help you. Stress is very hard on the body, you know Garnet when I look back on my life before every illness I had gone through a stressful time. I really believe when I learned to relax my body and stop the chatter of mind my health improved. It's a lot easier said than done though I have to admit and I still work on it every day. Prayer really helps me as well, good luck and God bless....:-) Hugs

  2. Bernie is so right...stress is bad, bad, bad!...we can't prevent life's problems sometimes...but dwelling on them in our mind...over and over...plays havoc with our physical bodies...Think good thoughts and take care!

  3. Right - you have to take care of yourself.

  4. thanks for all the kind words. *s*
