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Saturday, January 1, 2011

I awoke this am with the determination that I was going to follow my New Years day Traditions.  First the parade then a dinner of sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.  Then I realized the King of the Remote was in charge of the
Tv.  I don't know if you women out there know how hard it is to get a remote off a man but it is not easy.  I told him I wanted to watch the parade and I would allow him to hold the remote as long as he would put the parade on cause it was my tradition to watch the parade with my family. Mom mom did it with me, I did it with my daughters and was determined to do it with my grand daughter.

We were at a stalemate til I told him the Queen of the kitchen would not get the dinner done if he did not turn on the parade.  I watched the parade. *s*  Then relinquished the remote to the king so he could watch his games.

I read a blog where a blogger said she was setting goals and not making resolutions this year.  She did it last year and reached most of her goals.  That sounds like a good plan to me.

My goal is to lose more weight.  This holiday season has not been kind to me but I am getting back on track again and losing some more, I hope.  I will keep setting that goal until I get it right.

My other goal is to get closer to God and try to show more compassion and understanding to those who are different then me.  Race, religion, or sexual orientation is something is something I aim to be more tolerant of.  Love all people, even those who are different.  Respect them.


  1. Sounds like a plan to me. However, it's hard for me to be tolerant of differing opinions since I know that I'm always right. :) Race and orientation I'm okay with though. lol

  2. Love your goals Garnet, Happy New Year to you and your family.....Hugs

  3. I'm hoping to lose some weight too. I have no problem with people who are different - maybe because I'm a little different myself. Plus - they are usually a lot more interesting than ordinary people.

  4. I guess it is a common thing with us guys regarding the remote but I really don't hear much about it from my wife. If I walk in & she is watching antything I do not try to change the channel. I hope to loose some weight this year too and the only thing I want to really happen is to be more sensitive to other people's needs and try to help when I can taking the Christmas spirit into the new year.

  5. Garnet...I think men are born with a magnetic chip in them that attracts the remote to be their possession. It's just a guy thing. Same here. When I want to watch something in particular which is rare, I better get to watch it!! Hugs to you!

  6. Sounds like a good start to 2011...I don't usually set any resoulution but I do pick a word for the year...one that describes something I want to attain...last year my word was confidence...still pondering on my word for 2011...I do like your goals for this year...especially having more compassion and understanding for others...always a good goal for each one of us to have. XX

  7. I can't say much to my husband when it comes to the remote. He's only home about four days a month so I kind of let him have it! But if I really want to watch something else I go upstairs! I think your goals are good one's Garnet, I wish you all the best with them and Happy New Year!
    Love Di ♥
